N.Macedonian school sport federation starts the training of athletes – counselors in the fight against match-fixing in sport
Since February this year, the training of athletes – counselors against match-fixing in sports within the project of the same name funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + program, leaded by the project coordinator ZFK Interblock 1975 from Ljubljana has started in the frame of NMSSF.
After the Call announced by our federation, a selection was made of 5 active athletes who applied for it and meet the necessary conditions, as follows: (in alphabetical order)
- Veronika Velkovska – archery
- Viktor Veljanoski – handball
- Daniel Nacevski – basketball
- Ljilja Kovacevic – volleyball and
- Martina Bogleva – football.
The first training related to the introductory module and the introduction of the athletes – counselors with the project and the trainers was held on February 27 and 28 in virtual form using the ZOOM platform. During this sessions, information was shared with the athletes – counselors about the content and tasks within the project, while the documents were shared in electronic form so that participants can individually and thoroughly get acquainted with their responsibilities and expectations.
After the improvement of the epidemiological situation on March 26 and 27 in the premises of FASF at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje held the second session of the training dedicated to the concepts related to this phenomenon and the possible reasons for setting results in sports, where an interactive approach was applied with the active participation of athletes – counselors.
In this training, in addition to the athletes – counselors, the trainers Zoran T. Popovski, Despina P. Stojanov and Nikola Boglev also participated. The Secretary General of NMSSF German Boglev was also present on this training module. During this training, the agreements for hiring athletes – counselors in this project were signed.
After the end of the second day of this session, a lunch and socializing event were organized where the attendees got to know each other better, and the dynamics of the next sessions within the training was agreed upon.